Content Curation and CurationSoft

 Over the past year you have probably heard the phrase Content Curation quite often. It's no wonder, it's been a popular topic of discussion for bloggers and publishers. The growing trend of curating content can be seen everywhere on the internet. At this point you may be asking yourself, what is content curation?

The process of Content Curation involves collecting, filtering and organizing 3rd party material that is relevant to a specific topic. Once all the topic specific information has been vetted, it is then combined with relevant original material or commentary to create a unique presentation or point of view. This genre specific post is then digitally distributed to a specific audience through appropriate channels.

Where have I seen Curated Content? Curated content can be taken from many different sources and is visible on popular websites all over the web. You will find curated content on websites like Mashable, in social media websites, blog posts,and RSS feeds. The amount of information on the web is vast and growing larger every minute of the day. Filtering and funneling all this information down to a single relevant concise voice is a huge task. Content Curation is the process of creating that singular relevant voice.

Content curation is a great way for online publishers to deliver relevant genre related information to their readers. By adding their original content, publishers are able to create more relevant content that expresses their world view in far less time. Publishers are able to create compelling material with strong references to 3rd party data. This helps publishers post material more frequently, creating a better user experience.

I myself am an internet publisher and blogger. Content curation is an invaluable tool. It helps me post relevant content more frequently, giving my readers a better experience. Although I do sub out some duties, I am basically a one man operation. I use to spend a great deal of my time sifting through vast amounts of posts to find relevant information for my genre specific websites. This was a monumental task, and I have several websites to do this for. I want my readers to have the best experience I can give them so I am very particular when it comes to source material.

There are several content curation software platforms available on the market now. I decided to check them out. Several of the ones that have been on the market for quite some time like Curata are designed for large publishing operations and are very expensive. I have no doubt that this is a good service, just too much for my budget.

The one I came across that had the right price and was designed for the desktop publisher was CurationSoft. I went ahead and downloaded the free trial version. After 10 minutes I realized how useful this software was going to be to me and I bought the full version. The price was right (under $60) and the amount of time it saved me immediately was well worth the small investment. I saved so much time not having to hunt and peck multiple sources to get one relevant piece of material. I would say the investment paid for it self in the first day.

CurationSoft's drag and drop interface is so easy and convenient to use. It's as simple as

1. Entering your keywords

2. Selecting the source

3. Drag and Drop the selected Material

After you have entered your keywords and selected the source you would like to search. Relevant posts will be listed and displayed with picture, excerpt, credits and links. You can then review and audition each post to see which is the best for your needs. Then all you have to do is drag and drop the info right into your WP post, HTML page or HTML editor. You can then add your original content or comments to the post. The Curationsoft software takes care of crediting the source material so that there are no copyright issues. Once you have published the new post to your website a link to the source is created.

Content curation is making a massive impact on the way we view, write and review content online. Before Google's massive moves to straighten out the Web by getting rid of irrelevant spam content, the need to stack content into the right boxes so that even your 90 year old grandmother can find it, is of paramount importance to us all.

The content curators of today, if brave enough to become the thought leaders of tomorrow will be making it big online in the years to come.

Never has making money online in my view been so blatantly obvious. You couldn't make it anymore obvious than if you dangled a 100ft sign in front a person's face with a big pile of cash, and a bullseye on it.

So What Is Content Curation?

Rather than adding to the piles of original content published every single second on the Internet, the curator researches, gathers and picks the best content from a specific topic. He or she then provides context and meaning to this information.

The curator becomes a voice of reason in this chaotic content space, providing insights and then organising other people's written work into something more easily readable.

In other words, lets say someone writes a 1000 word article about toy trains... It may have only 4 main key points, but it may take a 1000 words to say them.

You the content curator then comes along and you find the most relevant parts of the content. You now rewrite the person's 4 points into a 400 word summary, you then add your comments to the end and invite others to comment by sharing it with your readers.

It could be a blog post or any other form of information sharing vehicle such as a video.

So now you keep doing this Your blog on Toy trains is now curating the work of many other Toy train content writers. Before you know it, your site is becoming an authority in the eyes of Google on Toy Trains, your blog gets ranked higher because they see you as an authority, you can see where I'm going with all this. Content is King, yes but curated content is a slimmer version of the fat King!

We are all phantom content curators, we just don't know it. We write, we are influenced, we bend other people's words and paragraphs into our own. Content curation is NOT about copying other people's work, it's about reworking other people's content and linking back to them as the source.

Think about Pinterest, the content sharing site for a moment, we share other people's work and then we pass a comment, this is a form of content curation.

Content Curation - What's In It For You?

For whatever reason, many people do not like creating content. Some people are momentarily dumstruck at the thought of putting their words to paper. This is quite common and understandable as we all have different talents, writing is not everyone's cup of tea.

However, the content curator's pandoras box has just opened and now it's becoming more widely known, anyone can rework other people's content into their own readable style, the original content writer wins hands down as they are then credited and linked back to, you win as you never have to create your own original content again (unless you wish to do so).

A good example of successful content curation is The Huffington Post a content news website recently sold to AOL for $315 Million Dollars.

To summarise: Content curation looks set to become one of the biggest online money makers ever, the way we view content is changing all the time, but the need for viewing content in an easy straight forward manner will never change.



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